Change Control Resources

Change Control Resources help manage changes to resources.


A user represents a person or process that creates, changes, or deletes a resource.

The representation includes:

  • attributes
    • id (server selected) - Database ID
    • username - The user’s email or ID
    • created (server selected) - UTC timestamp of when this user account was created
    • agreement - The version of the contribution agreement the user has accepted. “0” for not agreed, “1” for first version, etc.
    • permissions - A list of permissions. Permissions include "change-support" (add or change a support), "change-resource" (add or change any resource except users or history resources), "change-user" (change a user resource), and "delete-resource" (delete any resource)
  • links
    • changesets (many) - Associated changesets, in ID order, changes are ignored.

To get a single user representation:

GET /api/v1/users/42 HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/vnd.api+json

A sample response is:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/vnd.api+json
    "users": {
        "id": "42",
        "username": "",
        "created": "1405000551.750000",
        "agreement": "1",
        "permissions": ["change-support"],
        "links": {
            "changesets": ["73"]
    "links": {
        "users.changesets": {
            "href": "{users.changesets}",
            "type": "changesets"

If a client is authenticated, the logged-in user’s account can be retrieved with:

GET /api/v1/users/me HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/vnd.api+json


A changeset collects history resources into a logical unit, allowing for faster reversions and better history display. The changeset can be auto-created through a POST, PUT, or DELETE to a resource, or it can be created independently and specified by adding changeset=<ID> URI parameter (i.e., PUT /browsers/15?changeset=73).

The representation includes:

  • attributes
    • id (server selected) - Database ID
    • created (server selected) - UTC timestamp of when this changeset was created
    • modified (server selected) - UTC timestamp of when this changeset was last modified
    • target_resource (write-once) - The name of the primary resource for this changeset, for example “browsers”, “versions”, etc.
    • target_resource_id (write-once) - The ID of the primary resource for this changeset.
  • links
    • user (one) - The user who initiated this changeset, can not be changed.
    • historical_browsers (many) - Associated historical_browsers, in ID order, changes are ignored.
    • historical_versions (many) - Associated historical_versions, in ID order, changes are ignored.
    • historical_features (many) - Associated historical_features, in ID order, changes are ignored.
    • historical_supports (many) - Associated historical_supports, in ID order, changes are ignored.

To get a single changeset representation:

GET /api/v1/changeset/73 HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/vnd.api+json

A sample response is:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/vnd.api+json
    "changesets": {
        "id": "73",
        "created": "1405353048.910000",
        "modified": "1405353048.910000",
        "target_resource": "features",
        "target_resource_id": "35",
        "links": {
            "user": "42",
            "historical_browsers": [],
            "historical_versions": [],
            "historical_features": [],
            "historical_supports": ["1789", "1790"]
    "links": {
        "changesets.user": {
            "href": "{changesets.user}",
            "type": "users"
        "changesets.historical_browsers": {
            "href": "{changesets.historical_browsers}",
            "type": "historical_browsers"
        "changesets.historical_versions": {
            "href": "{changesets.historical_versions}",
            "type": "historical_versions"
        "changesets.historical_features": {
            "href": "{changesets.historical_features}",
            "type": "historical_features"
        "changesets.historical_supports": {
            "href": "{changesets.historical_supports}",
            "type": "historical_supports"