Entrypoints ----------- The API will be reachable at https://browsersupports.org/api/v1/. A non-SSL version will be reachable at http://browsersupports.org/api/v1/, and will redirect to the SSL version. This site is for applications that read, create, update, and delete compatibility resources. It includes a browsable API to ease application development, but not full documentation. The API supports two representations: ``application/vnd.api+json`` *(default)* JSON mostly conforming to the `JSON API`_. ``text/html`` the Django REST Framework browsable API. The API supports user accounts with Persona_ authentication. Persona credentials can be exchanged for an `OAuth 2.0`_ token for server-side code changes. A developer-centered website will be available at https://browsersupports.org/. A non-SSL version will be available at http://browsersupports.org and will redirect to the HTTPS version. This site is for documentation, example code, and example presentations. The documentation site is not editable from the browser. It uses gettext-style translations. en-US will be the first supported language. .. _`JSON API`: http://jsonapi.org .. _`Django REST Framework browsable API`: http://www.django-rest-framework.org/topics/browsable-api .. _Persona: http://www.mozilla.org/en-US/persona/ .. _`OAuth 2.0`: http://oauth.net/2/